Water Usage for High Pressure Misters in California is Less Than You Think

Water Usage for High Pressure Misters in California is Less Than You Think

Water usage concerns are valid, especially if you reside in California. But how much water do high pressure misters use in comparison to other forms of water consumption?

mister use in restaurants

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5 Exciting (Sort Of) Related Misting Discoveries

5 Exciting (Sort Of) Related Misting Discoveries

Accidental discoveries have led to incredible innovations. Things like microwaves, misting, mauve and even x-rays were all practical accidents waiting to happen.

To ready ourselves for the impending hot weather, we’ve decided to gather a list of accidental discoveries that are directly related, or kind of related, to misting.

5. Stainless steel

In an effort to decrease the expansion of a gun barrel after firing multiple times, a gentleman named Harry Brearly began working to make a steel alloy that would resist the erosion produced by multiple bullets exiting a gun barrel. After failing numerous times, one of his samples began to shine brighter than the rest. Literally. With this accidental discovery of stainless steel, we now have the material used for our misting atomization and distribution lines.

4. Play-doh

Alright, this may be a stretch, but stick with me (puns intended!). Originally intended to be a cleaning product during the era of coal based heat production in homes, the original play-doh (although it wasn’t called that yet) was used to rub the soot off of wallpaper. Soon thereafter, natural gas began to replace coal and people did not need their wall paper cleaning product anymore. The company who invented it, Kutol, was going bankrupt and there was no solution in sight. Until children saved the day. A teacher in early 1950’s  began using the material as modeling clay in her classrooms. And now we have play-doh.

Now we have play-doh for the children to play with, as we sit with our families on our back patios, enjoying the outdoors even during the hottest times of year. Misting systems allow us to be more family oriented, more outdoor friendly, more available for moments of connection. Like making animals using play-doh with our children or grandchildren.

3. Popsicles

11 year old Frank Epperson was a forgetful boy. Inventive, but forgetful. One chilly evening in San Francisco in 1905, he made himself a soda-like drink by mixing powder and water together with a spoon. He sat outside on the porch enjoying it but left it outside, unfinished. The next morning, he found the frozen water with the spoon stuck in the middle.  He took it out. He licked it. It was delicious. End of story.

‘Cause there’s nothing like a popsicle outside, underneath a misting system, to cool down after a hot day.

2. Ice Cream Cones

The rules are, “No eating ice cream cones inside.” Without cones, there would be no cream of ice. No dripping, sticky mess that requires hoses and giggles. And without a misting system in the desert heat, it’s likely you’ll forgo both and stay inside. Don’t risk missing out on moments like these.

1. Misting for Air Scrubbing


Misting systems did not necessarily emerge from an accident. But one of the uses did. Traditionally used for cooling and fog effects, environmental awareness of the adverse effects of particulate matter begged for a cleaning solution. Enter, mist. Due to the surface area of the atomized water particles and the natural cleansing properties of water, running your misting system essentially cleans the air around you.

Misting isn’t just a luxury item. It creates environments where moments that might not happen, can. It is for making memories. It is for air purifying.

You Get What You Pay For! Even For Your Misters

You Get What You Pay For! Even For Your Misters

As I prepare to watch the Seahawks move past the Green Bay Packers for the NFC Championship (sorry Steve…) I recall a humorous example demonstrating how inferior-quality misting systems are encroaching on the market over the past few years. Caught on live broadcast, here is an example of a mister fan that broke down, not performing in the context it was operating in: the NFL. The distress is very obvious in the face of the 49ers coach.

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High Pressure Misters Envelop Parisian Lovers at La Brasserie

High Pressure Misters Envelop Parisian Lovers at La Brasserie

Restaurant misting system outdoor patio

Nestled up against the mountains in La Quinta, at the corner of Highway 111 and Washington there lays a traditional, unpretentious, french brasserie. Koolfog’s high pressure misters adorn the perimeter of the patio, enveloping guests with a cooled atmosphere reflective of the affectionately bistro-like intimacy patrons have come to adore. An ambiance full of energy, paired with a cool and casual sophistication, service and cuisine that is reminiscent of the most nostalgic visions of Paris, La Brasserie serves Parisian style food backed by Chef Emmanuel Janin’s 30 years of exceptional culinary knowledge.

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Misters for Parks in Coachella Valley

Misters for Parks in Coachella Valley

Most people consider Coachella Valley an exclusive retirement get-a-way. We are stock full of famous artists, actors, entrepreneurs and outdoor fanatics who have a long list of fascinating insight and experience. What people often forget is the rising amount of families with young children in the region. Outdoor cooling and  misters have been incorporated into a number of local schools, restaurants and residences yet parks do not have the same rate of adoption.

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7 Signs That You Need Misters This Season

Misters are often considered to be a luxury item in most parts of the world, with a general exception for regions such as the Coachella Valley. As local residents know well, as soon as the temperatures start to get above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, any outdoor activity MUST be shrouded in mist.

But for those of you new to the Valley, or who remain skeptical of the exact level of brutality our summers contain, this article is for you. Here are seven signs that you may need misters this coming season.

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Marriott Shadow Ridge and Koolfog’s Misters Comforts Desert Adventurers

Nestled between the San Jacinto and San Gorgonio mountains you’ll find a luxurious desert resort created by one of the greatest international hospitality chains. Marriott Shadow Ridge in Palm Desert and Koolfog, Inc joined this summer in a collaboration to enhance Marriott’s pool area with re-designed and enhanced high-pressure misters.

Marriott Shadow Ridge Family Pool Scene

As the desert heat regulates the population count in the Coachella Valley, Koolfog assists commercial businesses in extending their season. “We’re trying to make the heat a little more bearable.” Steve Leonhard, Lead Designer for the Coachella Valley explains, “When 105+ degree weather is the norm for a good 4  months out of the year, our local businesses really suffer as it starts warming up. In fact, most out-of-town visitors feel that 90 degrees is extreme. We’re trying to help their customers enjoy the luxuries of our Valley for as long as possible. ”

As Marriott continues to enhance their outdoor areas, Koolfog works with them to identify and design new locations for high-pressure misters throughout the resort. As one of the most exclusive and well-hidden timeshare and resort properties in Palm Desert, Marriott knows the importance of client satisfaction.

As the winter season is upon us, the piercing heat seems like a sticky memory from the past. With each winter season, our Valley population expands. And with the rise of the summer sun, Koolfog ensures that incredible resort destinations like the Marriott is well equipped to lengthen it’s busy season as long as possible.

Koolfog Talks With Local Customers About Misting Experience

No one ever said that summers aren’t brutal here. Ever year, as the sun climbs over the mountain tops at the turn of Spring, murmurs of anti-desert-heat advocates are heard all around the Valley. For those of you smart enough to get away during the hottest part of the year, we applaud you. For the rest of us, Koolfog’s Coachella Valley misting offers relief during the hottest parts of the year. As residents of this beautiful Valley, we want to encourage other locals and visitors alike to enjoy our scenery, our botany and the amazing ambiance this Valley offers for as long as possible. And not only is misting our solution, but the most thoughtfully designed systems on the market.


But design success should not be measured by its intention, but by results.

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Koolfog Restaurant Misting Systems at Eureka Burger

Restaurant Misting Systems at Eureka Burger

Eureka!_Logo_BMP_(2)Looking down the 111 Highway in Indian Wells, you’ll see a long line of banks, grocery stores, outlet malls. And mist. “People have been telling us that they look down the stretch of 111, searching for misting systems that are on to indicate whether or not a restaurant is open. Especially in the summer.” says Koolfog President Bryan Roe.

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Koolfog Misters for Ash and Smoke Suppression

Koolfog Misters for Ash and Smoke Suppression

Idyllwild_FireThe recent fires that have ravaged the San Jacinto mountain range have caused concern for local residents. Reaching up to approximately 27,000 acres and 68% contained by Sunday, July 21, the crisis inspired local fire departments to rally together in fighting the blaze. The United States Forest Service commented that, “low relative humidities, the weather and the landscape have driven the fire.” As the smoke billows up from the mountain and ash snows from the sky, respiratory sensitive locals are leaving the city to seek refuge from the smoke smothered skies.

…which leads us to post this article about smoke and dust suppression.

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