Koolfog Misters for Ash and Smoke Suppression

Koolfog Misters for Ash and Smoke Suppression

Idyllwild_FireThe recent fires that have ravaged the San Jacinto mountain range have caused concern for local residents. Reaching up to approximately 27,000 acres and 68% contained by Sunday, July 21, the crisis inspired local fire departments to rally together in fighting the blaze. The United States Forest Service commented that, “low relative humidities, the weather and the landscape have driven the fire.” As the smoke billows up from the mountain and ash snows from the sky, respiratory sensitive locals are leaving the city to seek refuge from the smoke smothered skies.

…which leads us to post this article about smoke and dust suppression.

For residents and businesses who already have high-pressure misting systems in use for outdoor cooling, they probably aren’t aware that the sub-micron water particles that are emitted by a high-pressure misting system are capable of scrubbing the air and limit intrusion of dust and ash. Koolfog misters are already used in waste transfer facilities and recycling centers for dust control in industrial applications. They are also used in employee smoking areas at corporations and government buildings throughout the United States. The natural disinfectant washes the air, much like rain, allowing for clean, breathable air as well as peace of mind.

For local residents already using Koolfog misters for cooling, we encourage you to keep them on a little longer as you remain outdoors.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the brave firefighters who have kept the threat at bay.