misting system planning

Insider Tips from our CEO Bryan Roe

BuiltinConsidering misting as an integral part of desert outdoor living spaces is a first step. But by participating in the planning stages you can offer your customers value and higher aesthetics with a built-in system. Koolfog’s “Fusion” system integrates into new construction and remodels by hiding high-pressure plumbing, misting line and fittings within a proprietary raceway and cover. Instead of seeing misting line attached to an exterior fascia or soffit , the only visible clue that there is a misting system in place are the fact that there are nozzles poking through the “Fusion” cover as if they were embedded in construction.

Based on over 25 years of experience, Koolfog’s “Fusion” system eliminates any concern about system failure by allowing water to escape only to the exterior of the structure and it provides access to all system components for future maintenance.

There is only one point in time that customers can take advantage of a built-in misting system and they are going to rely on their architect or builder to provide that choice. Otherwise, it will be too late. Call Koolfog to help you provide your client with an option that demonstrates “You have thought of everything.”